Sample Projects


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Earthtone Construction

Healdsburg Lumber Co.

The Fitness Boutique

Holly & Associates

Forbes & Sons

John Allan Jones

Pacific Sun Pools

St. Vrain Presbyterian Church


L'Abri Conference

Morning River Publishing


Marketing and Graphic Design Services

Below are several marketing and identity design samples. You may click each to access a more in-depth analysis. Please contact PDG at 1.800.587.6666, or email us for a complete portfolio review.

Our approach to graphic design is based on the philosophy taught by one of the world's greatest designers, Jan Tschichold. He summed it up best, " is the supreme duty of responsible designers to divest themselves of all ambition for self-espression. They are not the master of the written word but its humble servants." --Jan Tschichold, The Form of the Book: Essays on the Morality of Good Design

The “unique selling proposition” vs the logo
Logos and appealing photography and graphic design do not sell products and services—your unique selling proposition does. However, imagery and design should set the overall tone, or mood, attracting prospects so you can tell them why they should do business with you.

An effective marketing campaign is the result of uniting intelligent research with professional communication skills, both graphical and written. While the graphics set the mood, the copy should clearly differentiate you from your competitors and compellingly state your unique-selling-proposition.


Earthtone Construction

Earthtone built its reputation as a personable, community minded construction contractor. They needed a "look" that said as much about the community and client as it did about the company. (Click logo to see more)


Healdsburg Lumber Co.

This 100-year-old company needed a total revamping of their collateral. This included logo, photography, stationery, and an 8-page marketing presentation folder/brochure--including copy-writing of all marketing materials for the sales representatives. (Click logo)



The Fitness Boutique

The client wanted to use book publishing as a way to establish a product line targeted to the boutique, travel, and gift markets. PDG created the logo, shot the photography, designed and oversaw the manufacture of accessories, and applied fashionable, sophisticated graphic design to all the components. The project included a line of books, packaged exercise bands, retail display cases, presentation folder with stationery, and sell sheets. (Click logo)


Holly & Associates

Very established and reputable remodeling contractor appealing to the high-end, design-conscious homeowner and business concern located in Sonoma County, California. We have developed their identity packages since 1988, along with brochures, trade show booths, advertising research, and copy writing. (Click logo)


Forbe Logo

Forbes & Sons Construction

Forbes & Sons is a custom home and commercial builder located in the Napa Valley. They build showcase homes, unique estates, and commercial projects for upscale clients. PDG conducted market research and produced their identity package, stationery, photography of projects, marketing copy, introductory brochure package, and web site (Click log to see more) (click here to see web site).

John Allan Jones Architect

Mr. Jones is an independent professional architect, working in the North Bay Area near San Francisco. We produced his identity package, stationary, photography, marketing copy, and project portfolio pieces for exhibit. (Click log to see more)


Pacific Sun Pools

Company marketed to middle to upper middle class homeowners. We produced the logo, identity package, stationery, photography, web site, print advertising, marketing copy, and performed market research. (Click logo)


St. Vrain Presbyterian Church

Church plant of the PCA denomination in Longmont, Colorado. Needed strong identity with a conservative, orthodox appeal in a modern package. Logo, stationery, and promotional materials produced. (Click logo)



Company designs decks, and installs and sells materials for decks. Designed the logo, identity package, and business cards. Produced and directed a twelve-week, direct mail, advertising campaign. (Click logo)


L'Abri Brochure

L'Abri Conference California 2008 and 2010

PDG directed and produced the promotional materials for L'Abri's 2008 and 2010 California conferences. Tasks included organizing classes and speaker's schedules, writing all copy, organizing a marketing plan, generating photography, designing a self-mailer brochure, overseeing the bulk mailings, creating and pacing advertising, and creating two web sites (click here for 2010 web site). (Click brochure to see more.)

Morning River Publishing

Company needed a brochure to send to grade school math teachers promoting a new book utilizing new revolutionary math teaching methods. (Click brochure to see more)


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