Coffee Table/Pictorial

Retail Product Line

Gallery & Exhibition

Promoting a Service

Expert Author

Emerging Author


Overview of Custom Publishing

INTEGRATED PUBLISHING is an approach that saves time, money, and effort. Most importantly, it ensures that a project will benefit from excellent advice and services necessary in realizing a client’s publishing goals.

Integrated Publishing Solutions is a book packaging and custom publishing program that assists non-profit organizations, private business entities, and independent authors in building a new brand, extending an established brand, and cross-merchandising other products. Through this program, PDG is able to offer a complete set of end-to-end publishing solutions, customized for each client’s goals and budget.

BOOK PACKAGING is especially useful for businesses and authors interested in developing a concept into a turn-key publishing venture. Once these concepts have been developed, they can be sold to, or partnered with, another publishing venue that specializes in targeting sales and distribution of books to specific markets. Typical book packaging clients would be first-time authors, speakers, professors, or business experts that need a finished product to present to a literary agent or to test-market the viability of a book.   

CUSTOM PUBLISHING is more focused on combining publishing with a larger line of products and services. These projects are wholly subsidized and owned by the client. Typical clients include restaurants, department stores, churches, museums, clothing manufacturers, architectural firms, music labels, wineries, non-profit organizations, colleges, financial services providers, artists and art galleries, professional sports franchises, cruise lines and travel packagers, cities and municipal agencies—anyone, or any business wishing to establish, enhance, or extend its image or market-reach.

PDG consistently produces publishing projects that communicate effectively with their target audiences, attract the attention of media reviewers and journalists, and win awards in national book competitions. (Click here for a listing of awards and citations.)

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