AUTHOR:Marlena E. Uhrik, Ed.D.
PUBLISHER:White Stag Press
IMPRINT:White Stag Press
SIZE:9"w X 9"
BINDING:Trade Cloth
ILLUSTRATOR:Barbara Cervone
MEDIA PHONE:916.784.0500
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In Grandpa's Hands
A Child's Celebration of Family

Jacket blurb

Moments shared between grandparents and their grandchildren are moments to cherish. These are the times when hope and promise are present. In Grandpa's Hands calls forth the special bond that occurs between the generations as they reach out to teach and touch each other's spirit.

This book is designed to promote communication and the emotional connectedness that comes from a nurturing relationship of fundamental importance. In Grandpa's Hands celebrates the relationship between Grandpas and their grandchildren. Beautifully illustrated, this book is a work of art that communicates the reassurance of a caring relationship, a sense of well-being, and a sense of future.

Author bio

Dr. Marlena Uhrik has provided programs and services for children and their families for over forty years. Throughout her educational career, she has taught aspiring teachers around the world and has received numerous local and national awards for improving the quality of life for children and families. She has been recognized in the US Congressional Record for her outstanding contribution to her community and is currently a consultant for the California Department of Education.

She is the author of A Guidebook for Family Day Care Providers (McGraw-Hill, 1998), The ABC's of Home Improvement, and In Grandpa's Hands: A Child's Celebration of Family. Dr. Uhrik lives in Sacramento, California with her husband and has two grown children and three grand children.

Dr. Uhrik's professional career has spanned the educational, public, and community service landscapes with over forty prolific years of dedication and leadership. She holds the following degrees:

Ed.D. Educational Leadership
M.A. Educational Administration
California Community Colleges Instructor Credential California Teaching Credential
B.A. Social Science/English

Working as a consultant for the California Department of Education, she is the lead for the statewide implementation of Student Assistance Programs (SAPs), along with the Prevention of Under age Drinking program for at-risk youth.

Dr. Uhrik has been recognized by numerous civic, community, family, and governmental groups for her accomplishments. Below is a partial list of some awards and citations honoring her service.

Rotary Club's Vocational Award
US Congressional Record
Public Education Service Award
Calif. Congress of Parent, Teachers, and Students, Inc.
National Community Hero Olympic Torchbearer
Citizen Ambassador Program/UNICEF
Service to Mankind -- Salvation Army


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